Everything you need to know about India's Golden Triangle



The Golden Triangle is a popular tourist circuit that takes in Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. If you look at a map, these three cities form a rough equilateral triangle, which has been named “golden” due to the abundance of cultural and historical sights that can be found there. The Golden Triangle is a classic introduction for any visitor to India. However, nothing can quite prepared you for the fascinating array of sights, smells and colour you will experience on an adventure through Northern India. Read on to discover what you can expect on our India's Golden Triangle tour.



On our India holidays, the first stop on our trip is Delhi. While you may experience some initial culture shock, with so many people gathered in the streets, this will quickly fade. Old Delhi is loud and chaotic, but it has wonderful character. We'll experience the busy market place, Chandni Chowk, by rickshaw. Winding through the narrow lanes, all to the soundtrack of beeping horns is an unforgettable experience. If India had a theme tune it would most definitely be the sound of hooting tooting traffic! The hustle and bustle of Old Delhi is beautifully contrasted with the relatively calm area of New Delhi. Dusty alleyways give way to broad avenues filled with greenery. Seeing children playing cricket in Princes Park is a reminder of British Rule that was present in India up until 1947. A visit to Humayun's Tomb, often referred to as the predecessor to the Taj Mahal, is a wonderful way to round off our time in Delhi.



Next up is a visit to Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. Rajasthan lies predominantly in the desert so the journey by coach from Delhi to Jaipur allows you to witness the changing landscapes of Northern India. Jaipur is popularly referred to as the Pink City due to its trademark red-washed buildings. The city has many famous monuments; however one in particular has become iconic. The Hawa Mahal, or Palace of Winds, is an ornate five-storey façade which was built during the 18th Century. Its purpose was to allow the women of the royal household to observe the streets below while remaining anonymous. Another highlight of Jaipur is a visit to the Amber Fort, which is situated on top of a hill. We'll travel to the Amber Fort by jeep, via the small streets of Amber Village. Built in the early 1600s, Amber Fort is home to the stunning Hall of Mirrors. A beautiful collection of over one million pieces of glass mirror tiles as well as coloured glass adorn the walls and ceiling. Our expert local guide can show you how to take some cool trick photographs in this hall, by aiming your camera at certain pieces of mirror in order to capture something in another part of the hall. 



Our final stop on India’s Golden Triangle is Agra. Once the centre of the Moghul Empire, Agra is home to the world famous Taj Mahal. Lying majestically on the banks of the Yamuna River, the Taj Mahal is unparalleled in its beauty. Taj Mahal is usually top of the list on everyone's travel list, seeing this wonder of the world with your own eyes will live up to every expectation and more. It truly is awe-inspiring. Sitting on the bench made famous by Lady Diana during her visit in 1992 is a real “pinch me” moment. Despite the thousands of visitors that the Taj Mahal receives every day, it is tranquil and peaceful. Built as an eternal tribute by Shah Jahan for his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, this stunning ivory-white marble mausoleum, inlaid with semi-precious stones, offers the perfect place to reflect on the meaning of true love. As our guide poetically describes the love story that led to the building of the Taj Mahal, you will stand there mesmerised, watching the sunset; a wonderful way to round off our holiday to India.

Experience your own unforgettable journey to Delhi, Jaipur and Agra on a holiday to India’s Golden Triangle with Travel Department. If you would like to visit these cities and experience a safari, our India's Golden Triangle including Ranthambore National Park is the perfect option, where we will have the opportunity to spot Tigers and other incredible Indian wildlife.  

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