Ultimate holiday checklist: Top tips for a stress-free trip



Whether it's a short break in Europe or a far flung location, going on a holiday is an exciting time, and we want to ensure you're fully prepared before you set off to your dream travel destination with us. To help you get ready, check out our holiday checklist below before you embark on your journey. 

1. Passport and visas

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  • Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your return date, as some countries strictly enforce this rule. 
  • Research visa requirements for your destination.  
  • Apply for holiday visas well in advance to avoid any last-minute issues.

2. Travel insurance

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  • Travel insurance provides peace of mind and financial protection against unexpected events. 
  • Ensure your policy covers all planned activities and read the fine print to understand the inclusions and exclusions. 
  • Carry a copy of your insurance policy and the emergency contact numbers for your insurer to have them readily available if needed.

3. Health and vaccinations

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  • Verify the vaccination requirements for your destination. Some countries require proof of vaccinations against diseases like yellow fever or typhoid. 
  • Visit your GP or a travel clinic at least six weeks before departure.
  • Ensure you have enough prescription medication for your trip and carry a copy of your prescription and a letter from your doctor.

4. Packing tips

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  • Always check the weather forecast of your destination. This will help you choose the right clothing and accessories to ensure your comfort throughout the trip. 
  • If you're visiting religious sites ensure you have appropriate attire, as there may be dress codes that require modest clothing, where you need to cover your shoulders, arms, and knees.
  • Pack layered clothing to accommodate varying temperatures
  • Pack comfortable shoes for excursions that involve lots of walking.
  • Roll clothes instead of folding to save space and reduce wrinkles.
  • Use packing cubes or compression bags to maximize suitcase space.
  • Pack travel-sized toiletries to comply with airline regulations.
  • Bring a portable charger and appropriate power adapters.
  • Include any necessary medications and a basic first-aid kit.
  • Pack important documents (passport, tickets, etc.) in an easily accessible place.

5. Finances and money management

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  • Familiarise yourself with the local currency and exchange rates. 
  • Have some local currency for immediate expenses upon arrival. 
  • If you're travelling to a new place, particularly a long-haul destination, it might be best to inform your bank of your travel plans to avoid you card getting blocked. 

6. Communication and connectivity


  • Check with your mobile provider about roaming charges in the EU and outside the EU.
  • Consider purchasing an international data plan or a local SIM card to avoid high roaming fees. 
  • Download any helpful travel apps and offline maps to navigate and find information without relying on internet access.

7. Copies of travel documents 

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  • Carry printed copies of important documents like your passport, visa, travel insurance, flight tickets, and hotel reservations. 
  • Have digital backups stored securely online. 
  • Use a travel wallet or document organiser to keep everything accessible and in one place, it will make it easier to find important documents when needed.

8. Learn local customs and etiquette

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Although our expert local guides will be there to help and inform you about local customs, traditions, and etiquette, taking the initiative to research these aspects yourself shows a deeper level of consideration and will enrich your travel experience. Even learning basic phrases in the local language shows respect and aids in daily interactions. This small effort can make a big difference in how locals perceive and interact with you.

Preparation is key to a stress-free holiday, enabling you to fully enjoy your chosen destination with us, whether it's exploring cities, relaxing on beaches, or delving into historical sites. By following these essential steps, you'll be well-prepared to immerse yourself in your guided holiday and create lasting memories.

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